About go trip, Mt.Tateyama

Home  About go trip, Mt.Tateyama

When you arrive in Toyama, you will see, The spectacular Tateyama Mountain Range of the “Northern Japan Alps”, where snow still remains on the peaks even in summer.
Unlike other iconic scenery in Japan with a single mountain, the Tateyama Mountain Range is span a wide area and stand up to 3000m high.
There are a variety of routes along the ridge of the mountain range that connect one peak to another.
Mountain hikers from all over the world, not only people in Japan, visit Tateyama every year.
In the Taihō era (Year 701), one day while the son of Etchu-Toyama’s governor, Mr.Ariyori Saeki,
Was hunting on Mt. Tateyama, his father’s white hawk went missing.
After an encounter with a bear in the woods the hawk was so surprised that it flew away.
When he chased after the hawk and the bear he found himself at Murodo, close to the peak of Mt. Tateyama.
It was here that the bear transformed into a god Amidanyorai so they could tell Mr. Ariyori to open up the mountain for the people.
This legend is known as “Tateyama Kaizan”- the legend of the opening up of Mt. Tateyama for the people.
Thousands of years have passed since the “Tateyama Kaizan”, and still today so many people continue visit Mt. Tateyama from all over the world.
Tateyama Town is found at the foot of the mountain range. It is a town rich in history and traditional culture.
The deep connection to the mountains and the town’s history are so important to the people who live here.
Every year, the heavy snowfall on Mt. Tateyama creates an impressive snow wall 15m high.
As the snow melts, beautiful clear water flows through the town’s rivers to the sea all year round.
This creates the perfect condition for rice to grow and making sake. And the clear water to the sea provide Toyama with delicious fresh fish.
When you come on one of our tours, You can see for yourself, how the people of Tateyama live and connect to the mountains here. What kind of amazing local foods they eat? Would you like to join us and have these experiences in a Tateyama town? You will feel like one of us. We will welcome you like our family.

Licensed by the Japan Tourism Agency in accordance with the provisions of the Travel Agency Law